Stretching Beyond Your Own Limitations with Gina Miller

When it comes to courage and bravery, so often we view it as one big, courageous act. However, the more I interview people about this subject, I see that bravery is far more about continually pushing past our own limitations and showing up as our true, authentic selves day in and day out. 

That’s definitely the case for today’s guest, Gina Miller. Throughout her story, you can see all the ways she has stretched herself in her life and career. And she constantly challenges others to do the same. 

Gina is a music industry executive. She’s the senior vice president at Entertainment One and in that role, she’s worked on their company’s diversity and inclusion efforts. She’s also helped make change in the music industry as a whole through her efforts through the Nashville Music Equality group. On top of all of that, Gina has her own line of t-shirts and products centered around the phrase, Beautiful Girl, you are enough.

Gina is a natural encourager, which is why it’s not surprising that she mentors so many people!

In fact, I feel like she mentored me in this interview! There were so many times that she shared such profound wisdom that I felt incapable of asking her any intelligent questions! I almost needed time to sit and soak up the goodness before I could formulate a response.

This is such a powerful conversation and we cover so many important topics, such as pushing past our limitations, finding the courage to speak out against racism in our own lives and identifying our passion and purpose.

If you were looking for some encouragement today, you’re going to get it from Gina. Buckle up, friends! This is a good one. 

Gina Miller quote

Connect with Gina Miller

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